NOTE: Valley Piano does not offer in-house lessons but as a community service we maintain this listing of area music teachers and educators. If you are an independant teacher who offers lessons feel free to contact us to request being added to the list.
Russellville Area - Private Lessons
Brian Faulkner (479) 970-3605
Julie Bueche (479) 567-0300 (also teaches violin)
Shari Jo Humphries (870) 480-7429
Rita Richardson (479) 968-1413 website
Patricia Somers 919-461-3915
Dave Collins - (479) 886-0516
Morrilton Area Piano Lessons
Shari Luter / Piano & Voice (501) 354-5175 or (501) 208-1842
Clarksville Area Piano Lessons
Capo Coda Music Studio / Jill Van Buren (479) 774-5409
Misty's Music Studio / Misty Hardgrave (479) 774-3046
Scranton Area Piano Lessons
Carrie Corbitt - (479) 938-7846
Briggsville Area Piano Lessons
Kelly Hill- (479) 299-4180 or
Scott Brown - (479) 858-2542 or 890-6684
Beginner & Intermediate - All ages - Acoustic or Electric
Arkansas Center for Music Education <-Click to view thier website.
Offering classes in Pre-Kindergarten Music, Elementary Music, General Music, Voice Class, Worship Leading, Band, Orchestra
Any music teacher in the River Valley Area who would like thier information posted please feel free to contact us.